Excellence in Theory, Book 1

Price: $4.75
SKU:  ^L61
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Excellence in THEORY is especially designed to creatively enrich the curriculums of beginning Instrumental, Choral, and General Music Classes! It’s all here – Theory and Ear Training, Notation, Composition, and History complete in three volumes. Progressive Theory concepts and skills are reinforced and reviewed through both written and aural exercises. Ear Training examples and exercises are accessible by teacher or student via the Kjos Multimedia Library at www.kjos.com. And History pages come alive with vibrant full color images and comprehensive quizzes to help put events, styles, and details into perspective. Separate Theory and History sections are presented offering multiple teaching possibilities. Theory and History can be taught together or separately depending on your class objectives and scheduling considerations. A keyboard illustration, glossary, and blank manuscript page are also included as convenient study tools. The Theory section of Excellence in Theory, Book One concentrates on learning the basic language of music that helps develop well-rounded musicians. Lesson & Assignment pages introduce staves, treble and bass clef. Time signatures, and simple rhythms. Melodic elements are presented in accidentals, enharmonics, and whole and half steps, as well as tetrachords and major scales. Each lesson is carefully reinforced through Review pages. Ear Training pages are incorporated throughout the book, providing the listening tools and opportunities needed to put recently learned theory into practice. Listening examples and exercises accompany each of these pages, and are accessible for free to students and teachers through the Kjos Multimedia Library at www.kjos.com. The History section of Book One broadens students’ understanding of music by providing the historical context during each of the musical eras-from the Middle Ages through the 20th century-using text and full color images. Each reading assignment is followed by an assessment page with a timeline to help strengthen the learning process.

Additional Item Information (if applicable) appears below.
Composer or Author: Ryan Nowlin
Arranger or Editor: Bruce Pearson
