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The sounds that we hear come from vibrations in the air. The mouthpiece is the part of a musical instrument that the player blows into in order to create a vibration. Not every type of instrument has a mouthpiece. Percussion instruments, for example, do not. Neither do oboes or bassoons, which have two reeds tied together that vibrate. Most wind instruments, however, do have a mouthpiece. Woodwinds (including clarinets and saxophones) use mouthpieces that are typically made of plastic, hard rubber, or metal. Brass instruments (including trumpet, horn, trombone, and tuba) use mouthpieces that are typically made of brass that has been plated with silver or gold to prevent contact with any lead contained in the brass.
The importance of a good mouthpiece cannot be understated. It's where air gets shaped in preparation for projection through the instrument. The particular characteristics of a mouthpiece and the musician playing the instrument interact to create a sound that is unique to the individual.
Instruments rented or sold by Ellis Music (and most other retailers) include a "stock" mouthpiece. These are middle-of-the-road mouthpieces, designed to work well for beginning musicians across a range of styles. For some people, a stock mouthpiece is sufficient for their needs. However, experienced musicians may eventually find themselves held back by the limitations of the mouthpiece that came with their instrument, or they might be interested in producing a different tone quality that is impossible with their existing setup.
Even if you cannot afford to buy a new instrument or you've already found your ideal instrument, you can significantly alter and improve your sound by upgrading your mouthpiece. Most student model woodwind mouthpieces are made of plastic, whereas more advanced models are usually constructed from hard rubber (which looks very similar but can provide better tone quality). For both woodwind and brass, a number of structural variations in construction are possible, each of which affects the sound in a different way.
Brass is an alloy (combination of metals) consisting primarily of copper and zinc. Most mouthpieces also contain lead because that metal has properties that help during the process of machining (shaping) them. Lead is toxic to humans. This is why brass mouthpieces are plated, most often with silver. There is no danger in using a brass mouthpiece as long as the plating is intact. Over time, the plating can wear off. Do not use an old mouthpiece that has plating worn off or you will be exposing yourself to lead and the potential of ingesting or inhaling lead dust.
So what do you do if your mouthpiece's plating is chipped or worn? There are companies that can re-plate your mouthpiece. In some cases, it may be less expensive to buy a new mouthpiece.
If allergic to silver, getting a gold-plated mouthpiece (available by special order) is the most common solution.
Mouthpiece selection is a very personal decision. What works for one person may not work for another, not only because of playing style but more fundamentally because each person's lips and teeth are formed differently. For this reason, it is recommended that you try a mouthpiece before purchasing it when possible. (Ellis Music's return policy allows up to 30 days to return a mouthpiece.)
Remember: there is no substitute for practice. You will not find a “perfect” mouthpiece that makes everything easy to play and sounds great for all types of music. So… focus on choosing a mouthpiece that best serves your needs, is comfortable, and produces a sound that you like.
Ellis Music stocks a variety of popular mouthpiece brands, including Bach, Meyer, Otto Link, Selmer Paris, Theo Wanne, Vandoren, and Yamaha. The current Ellis Music staff includes individuals with significant knowledge of mouthpieces. (You may wish to call ahead and schedule a trip to the store when someone familiar with mouthpieces for your particular instrument is working.)
To assist musicians in the process of finding their ideal mouthpiece, Ellis Music has put together mouthpiece trial boxes, collections of some popular options for each instrument. Mouthpiece trial boxes currently exist for clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, trumpet, and trombone. These boxes can be requested by music teachers and borrowed for a week to give their students an opportunity to try out mouthpieces at school.
Ellis Music also has mouthpieces that stay at the store, so that all musicians - including those not affiliated with a school music program - can access a variety of mouthpiece options. Players can bring their instrument and try mouthpieces in our practice room. No appointment is necessary. (Mouthpieces are cleaned and sterilized after being played.)
Through its relationships with various musical supply distributors, Ellis Music has access to hundreds of different mouthpieces and can place a special order if you want to purchase something that's not normally kept in stock.
Download Mouthpiece Comparison Chart (PDF)
Mouthpiece | Description | Tip Opening | Facing Length |
D’Addario Reserve X5 | Known for its warm and consistent tone, this is one of the most popular mouthpieces for students. This is a D’Addario “American pitch” (A = 441 Hz) mouthpiece. | 1.05mm | Medium-Long |
D’Addario Reserve X10 | With a larger tip opening than the X5, this mouthpiece plays slightly brighter. This is a D’Addario “American pitch” (A = 441 Hz) mouthpiece. | 1.12mm | Medium-Long |
Fobes Nova 3L | Nova mouthpieces are known for their warm tone and excellent intonation. The 3L facing has a moderate tip opening and a slightly longer facing length than the CF+, making it brighter and more flexible. | 1.08mm | 18mm |
Fobes Nova CF+ | Nova mouthpieces are known for their warm tone and excellent intonation. The CF+ facing has a very closed tip opening and a slightly shorter facing length than the 3L, making it darker and more resistant. | 1.00mm | 17mm |
Selmer Paris Concept | Known for its warm, mellow tone. The long facing facilitates exceptional flexibility and dynamic range. | 1.10mm | |
Vandoren 5RV | One of the most popular mouthpieces for all levels of musicians known for its easy response. The small tip opening and medium short facing promote a dark tone. | 1.065mm | Medium-Short |
Vandoren 5RV Lyre | Similar to the 5RV but with a slightly bigger tip opening and a longer facing for a greater ability to play loud dynamics. | 1.09mm | Medium |
Vandoren B45 | A versatile mouthpiece favored by many teachers as the first “step-up” mouthpiece for their students because of its consistent response and tone quality in all registers. The medium tip opening and medium long facing make this mouthpiece easy to play. | 1.09mm | Medium-Long |
Vandoren BD5 13 Series |
Known for its richness in the upper register. The medium tip opening and medium facing combine to give this mouthpiece a dark tone with a wide dynamic range. | 1.13mm | Medium |
Vandoren M13 13 Series Profile 88 |
Stable and free-blowing, this mouthpiece excels in the low register. | 1.005mm | Long |
Vandoren M13 Lyre 13 Series Profile 88 |
Similar to the M13 but with a slightly bigger tip opening and shorter facing, making the upper register easier to play. | 1.02mm | Medium-Long |
Vandoren M15 | Similar to the M13 but with a slightly bigger tip opening, which facilitates a brighter tone. | 1.035mm | Long |
Vandoren M30 13 Series Profile 88 |
A versatile mouthpiece suitable for many styles of music. The long facing promotes flexibility. | 1.15mm | Long |
About Vandoren “13 Series” Mouthpieces: Vandoren’s “13 Series” mouthpieces are their “American pitch” mouthpieces pitched at A = 440 Hz. This is achieved by slightly enlarging the internal bore, which gives them a slightly warmer tone than their A = 442 Hz counterparts. All other internal dimensions of a “13 Series” mouthpiece are the same as their non-”13 Series” counterparts.
About Vandoren “Profile 88” Mouthpieces: Vandoren’s “Profile 88” mouthpieces are designed with a thinner and more gradually sloped beak. All internal dimensions of “Profile 88” mouthpieces are identical to their traditional beak counterparts. There is no acoustic difference, rather it is a matter of the player’s comfort that may cause one to prefer a “Profile 88” over a traditional beak mouthpiece.
Download Mouthpiece Comparison Chart (PDF)
Mouthpiece | Description | Tip Opening | Application |
Selmer Paris S80 C* | One of the most popular mouthpieces from student to professional known for its easy response. The square chamber facilitates a focused tone. | 1.55mm | Classical |
Selmer Paris S90 180 | An excellent choice for ensemble playing. The very closed tip opening provides easier control of soft dynamics. | 1.45mm | Classical |
Selmer Paris S90 190 | The same tip opening as the S80 C* but with a larger chamber, facilitating a bigger and darker tone. | 1.55mm | Classical |
Theo Wanne Elements: Water 3 | Thick side rails, a small square chamber, and a very closed tip opening combine to create a truly unique mouthpiece with a big, dark sound that is easy to play and control. | 1.55mm | Classical |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Concert 4 | A big tip opening for a classical mouthpiece provides a greater ability to project and play loud dynamics. | 1.68mm | Classical |
Vandoren Optimum AL3 | One of the most popular mouthpieces from student to professional known for its easy response. The round chamber facilitates a dark tone. | 1.52mm | Classical |
Vandoren Optimum AL4 | A bigger tip opening than the AL3. This mouthpiece has excellent projection while maintaining a dark tone. | 1.63mm | Classical |
D’Addario Select Jazz D6M | A medium tip opening, medium chamber and medium baffle make this mouthpiece easier to control while providing a round balanced tone suitable for a variety of genres of music. | 1.98mm | Jazz |
D’Addario Select Jazz D7M | A larger tip opening, medium chamber, and medium rollover baffle combine to create a mouthpiece with a big, powerful sound that can be brighter when pushed or warmer when needed. | 2.11mm | Jazz |
Meyer 5M | One of the most popular mouthpieces from student to professional. The tip opening is slightly smaller than the 6M, making it easier to play and control while providing a bright and lively tone that is focused and clear. | 1.80mm | Jazz |
Meyer 6M | One of the most popular mouthpieces from student to professional. The medium chamber creates a balanced tone suitable for most styles while the 6 tip opening allows more air through the mouthpiece for increased volume. | 1.93mm | Jazz |
Selmer Jazz Flow 5 | The medium, rounded baffle and small elliptical chamber facilitate a focused and beautiful tone that can sing over a ballad or soar over the band during a solo. | 1.96mm | Jazz |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Contemporary 7 | An excellent mouthpiece for popular genres. The high step baffle creates a big, bright, edgy sound with powerful projection. | 2.06mm | Contemporary |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Jazz 5 | The same characteristics as the Jazz 7, but with a smaller tip opening making it easier to play and control. | 1.80mm | Jazz |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Jazz 7 | Ideal for most genres of jazz. The roll-over baffle and medium chamber create a balanced sound (not too dark, not too bright) with good projection. | 2.06mm | Jazz |
Vandoren V16 A5M | An excellent mouthpiece for section playing. The medium long facing and medium chamber make this mouthpiece free-blowing and facilitates a big, full sound that is easy to control and manipulate expressively. | 1.88mm | Jazz |
Vandoren V16 A6M | One of the most popular alto saxophone mouthpieces. Similar to the A5M, but with a slightly bigger tip opening that gives this mouthpiece a larger, more powerful sound while retaining the same sound qualities of the A5M. | 1.96mm | Jazz |
Download Mouthpiece Comparison Chart (PDF)
Mouthpiece | Description | Tip Opening | Application |
Selmer Paris S80 C* | One of the most popular mouthpieces from student to professional known for its easy response. The square chamber facilitates a focused tone. | 1.90mm | Classical |
Selmer Paris S90 180 | An excellent choice for ensemble playing. The very closed tip opening provides easier control of soft dynamics. | 1.80mm | Classical |
Selmer Paris S90 190 | The same tip opening as the S80 C* but with a larger chamber, facilitating a bigger and darker tone. | 1.90mm | Classical |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Concert 5 | A big tip opening for a classical mouthpiece provides a greater ability to project and play loud dynamics. | 2.03mm | Classical |
Vandoren Optimum TL3 | An excellent choice for ensemble playing. The very closed tip opening and medium-short facing provide easier control of soft dynamics and exceptional articulation control. | 1.76mm | Classical |
Vandoren Optimum TL4 | One of the most popular mouthpieces from student to professional known for its easy response. The round chamber facilitates a dark tone. | 1.95mm | Classical |
D’Addario Select Jazz D6M | A medium tip opening, medium chamber and medium baffle make this mouthpiece easier to control while providing a round balanced tone suitable for a variety of genres of music. | 2.54mm | Jazz |
D’Addario Select Jazz D7M | Similar to the V16 T7, but with a little more versatility and brightness. A large tip opening, medium chamber, and medium-low rollover baffle combine to create a mouthpiece with a big, powerful, warm sound. | 2.67mm | Jazz |
D’Addario Select Jazz D8M | A larger tip opening than the D7M makes this mouthpiece easier to project. | 2.79mm | Jazz |
Otto Link LA 7 | A smaller tip opening than the LA 7* makes this mouthpiece easier to control. | 2.54mm | Jazz |
Otto Link LA 7* | A warm Otto Link tone at its core with the versatility to achieve a modern brightness suitable for contemporary styles. | 2.67mm | Jazz |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Contemporary 7 | An excellent mouthpiece for popular genres. The high step baffle creates a big, bright, edgy sound with powerful projection. | 2.67mm | Contemporary |
Theo Wanne Essentials: Jazz 7 | Ideal for most genres of jazz. The roll-over baffle and medium chamber create a balanced sound (not too dark, not too bright) with good projection. | 2.67mm | Jazz |
Vandoren V16 T6M | An excellent mouthpiece for section playing. The long facing and medium chamber make this mouthpiece free-blowing and facilitates a warm sound that is easy to blend with others. | 2.50mm | Jazz |
Vandoren V16 T7M | One of the most popular mouthpieces. Similar to the T6, but with a slightly bigger tip opening that gives this mouthpiece a brighter sound. | 2.70mm | Jazz |
Mouthpiece | Description | Cup Depth | Cup Diameter | Rim Shape |
Bach 1C | Large diameter, medium cup; good for all-around use. | Medium | 17.00mm | Medium wide |
Bach Megatone 1C | Same as a Bach 1C, but with added mass designed to darken the tone and allow playing at a higher dynamic level without distortion. | Medium | 17.20mm | Medium wide |
Bach 1½C | Slightly smaller diameter and a different rim contour than a Bach 1C. | Medium | 16.90mm | Medium wide, not too sharp |
Bach 3C | Fairly large cup; good for all-around use. | Medium | 16.30mm | Medium wide |
Bach Megatone 3C | Same as a Bach 3C, but with added mass designed to darken the tone and allow playing at a higher dynamic level without distortion. | Medium | 16.30mm | Medium wide |
Bach 5C | For players with a strong embouchure who do not like a sharp edge. The tone is lively and rich. | Medium | 16.25mm | Medium wide, well rounded inside |
Bach 6B | Medium-large size gives the lips sufficient room to execute freely. Produces a beautiful, ringing tone and responds easily. | Medium Deep | 16.20mm | Medium wide, not too sharp |
Bach 7C | Probably the most widely used model in the world. Its brilliant tone is preferred by many student and professional musicians. | Medium | 16.20mm | Medium wide, well-rounded edge |
Bach 7D | Has a shallower cup than a Bach 7C. Designed primarily for D trumpet but can be used with any trumpet successfully where great brilliance and easy high register are required. | Medium Shallow | 16.20mm | Medium wide, lowered toward outside |
Bach 7E | The extra shallow cup produces a crisp, sparkling tone in the extreme high register. Widely used for piccolo trumpet. | Shallow | 16.20mm | Medium wide |
Bach 10½C | This mouthpiece produces a fine high register and resonant low register even without a strong embouchure. Ideal for C trumpet. | Medium | 15.90mm | Medium wide |
Bach 10½CW | Similar to a Bach 10½C but with an extra wide cushion rim, recommended for players who use heavy pressure. | Medium | 15.90mm | Extra wide, high toward inner edge |
Stork Vacchiano 2C Standard Cup |
Similar inner diameter as a Bach 1½C, but with a modified ‘V’ cup designed by William Vacchiano to be more efficient with a clear sound and improved pitch center. | Medium Deep | 17.00mm | Medium wide |
Stork Vacchiano 3C Standard Cup |
Similar inner diameter as a Bach 3C, but with a modified ‘V’ cup designed by William Vacchiano to be more efficient with a clear sound and improved pitch center. | Medium Deep | 16.50mm | Medium wide |
Stork Vacchiano 3C Pumped Cup |
A unique combination of ‘V’ and ‘C’ cup shapes that allows more room for the lips to vibrate inside the cup and adds depth (darker, more resonant) to the tone quality as compared to a standard cup. The inner diameter is similar to a Bach 3C. | Medium Deep | 16.50mm | Medium wide |
Yamaha 7A4 | Shallow cup mouthpiece designed primarily for piccolo or lead trumpet. Has a thicker rim and more narrow backbore than the Yamaha 11B4. | Shallow | 16.24mm | Wide, semi-flat |
Yamaha 11B4 | Has a somewhat shallow cup and a medium rim for extra endurance and a brilliant tone. | Medium Shallow | 16.46mm | Medium, semi-flat |
Yamaha 14A4a | Fast response high range and powerful sound, ideal for piccolo or lead trumpet. | Shallow | 16.85mm | Medium wide, semi-flat |
Mouthpiece | Shank | Description | Cup Depth | Cup Diameter | Rim Shape | Throat |
Bach 1G | Large | Extra large and deep for extraordinary power and depth of tone. | Deep | 28.00mm | Medium thin, well rounded | 8.10mm |
Bach 2G | Large | Deep, full, resonant tone and strong low register through the pedal tones. | Deep | 26.75mm | Medium narrow | 7.01mm |
Bach 3G | Large | A deep mouthpiece to facilitate pedal tones. | Deep | 26.26mm | Medium wide, well rounded | 7.01mm |
Bach 4G | Large | A versatile, large diameter mouthpiece especially useful when one trombone is used for both the upper and very low register. | Deep | 26.00mm | Medium wide, slightly rounded | 7.01mm |
Bach 5G | Large | Similar playing characteristics as a Bach 4G mouthpiece with a slightly smaller cup diameter. | Deep | 25.50mm | Medium wide, semi-flat | 7.01mm |
Bach 6½A | Large | One of the most popular mouthpieces, producing a rich, compact sound of large volume. (Smaller throat and backbore than 6½AL.) | Medium Deep | 25.40mm | Medium wide, well rounded | 7.01mm |
Bach 6½AL | Large | The same cup, throat, and backbore as the small shank Bach 6½AL but with a large shank. | Medium Deep | 25.40mm | Medium wide, well rounded | 6.63mm |
Stork T1 Lightweight Standard |
Large | Similar to Bach 6½A but with a ‘V’-shaped cup, a bit more resistance, and a very rounded rim. | Medium Deep | 25.22mm | Medium wide, very rounded | 6.63mm |
Stork T1 Heavyweight Symphonic |
Large | Extra mass on this T1 mouthpiece provides a stable, centered tone, combined with a slightly larger symphonic bore and backbore. | Medium Deep | 25.22mm | Medium wide, very rounded | 6.76mm |
Stork BT5 Heavyweight Symphonic |
Large | Heavyweight, symphonic mouthpiece similar to Bach 5G but with a “V”-style cup and a rim designed for comfort. | Deep | 25.30mm | Medium wide, semi-flat | 7.14mm |
Bach 5G | Small | This mouthpiece has a deep cup to produce a full, mellow, sonorous tone. (Same as a large shank 5G mouthpiece but with a small shank.) | Deep | 25.50mm | Medium wide, semi-flat | |
Bach 6½AL | Small | Great for trombonists and euphonium players who desire a round, mellow tone of great carrying power and substantial volume. | Medium Deep | 25.40mm | Medium wide, well rounded | |
Bach 7C | Small | Produces a large volume of tone with a brilliant sound quality. | Medium Shallow | 24.75mm | Medium wide, not too sharp | |
Bach 9 | Small | Similar to a Bach 6½AL but with a smaller cup diameter and somewhat less rounded rim. | Medium Deep | 24.72mm | Medium wide | |
Bach 15C | Small | Produces a clear, lively tone even without a strong embouchure. Players with thin lips may also find this mouthpiece helpful. | Medium Shallow | 24.40mm | Medium wide | |
Bach 19 | Small | This mouthpiece has a V-shaped cup and produces a mellow, velvety tone. | Medium Deep | 24.00mm | Medium wide, fairly flat | |
Stork T1 Lightweight Standard |
Small | Similar to Bach 6½A but with a ‘V’-shaped cup, a bit more resistance, and a very rounded rim. | Medium Deep | 25.22mm | Medium wide, very rounded | 6.63mm |
Stork T2 Lightweight Standard |
Small | Designed for easy playing in the upper register but with enough volume for a full sound. | Medium Shallow | 24.69mm | Medium wide, very rounded | 5.79mm |
The Stork Custom Mouthpiece website includes various informational posts. Stork also has videos on its YouTube channel about various aspects of mouthpiece structure and what to think about when choosing a mouthpiece.
The Theo Wanne YouTube Channel includes many videos, including one of Theo Wanne explaining the AMP mouthpiece manufacturing process.