Ellis Music prides itself on being the region's primary resource for band and orchestra instruments and related items. Occasionally, we receive inquiries about services that we do not currently offer. This page is designed to help customers and visitors find related musical businesses that provide goods and services outside of our area of expertise.
In order to keep this page most relevant for our customer base, the businesses listed on this page are limited to those located in Vermont or New Hampshire. (For certain services that have a limited number of retailers, we have chosen to include a few businesses located in neighboring states that are within a reasonable distance of our borders.)
Disclaimer: Ellis Music provides this referral service as a convenience to customers and visitors. The listing of a business on this page should not be implied as a recommendation by Ellis Music, and the listed businesses have not been screened in any way.
Ellis Music sells digital pianos and keyboards only; for your acoustic piano needs, please try one of the businesses below.
In addition to piano tuning, many of these businesses sell and service acoustic pianos.
The New England Accordion Connection and Museum Company is dedicated to promoting the playing of the accordion to people of all ages. We have a museum of over 330 accordions as well as a studio and showroom containing 150+ accordions for sale. We also have over 10,000 pieces of sheet music available for purchase or as a lending library.
We have a variety of new and used accordions for sale. Part of our objective is to recycle the older units and make them available to people of all ages who wish to learn how to play.
Many people have visited our facility since it opened to the public in 2011. We are located in Canaan, Connecticut, in the very northwest corner of the state. We are open by appointment only mainly on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Please call to set a date for a visit.... 860-833-1374. Thank you!
I repair all kinds of free reed instruments. From small repairs to complete restorations.
I have around 20 used Italian and German accordions for sale ranging in price from $400.00 to $3000.00. I also have accordion straps and Mooradian soft cases.
Make sure you call, text or email before visiting as I am not always here but am usually available with notice.
I am a full service piano technician. Formally trained and certified by Western University, I'm also a registered member of the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG). My services include but are not limited to:
Piano Tuning
Piano climate systems
ProScore Music Engraving
Address: 74 Perkins Road, Belmont, New Hampshire 03220
Professional Quality Music Engraving with over 35 years experience in both the American and European music industries. Recipient of multiple Paul Revere Awards for Engraving Excellence.
Forte Performance & Physical Therapy for Musicians
Abby Halpin is a physical therapist and performance coach for musicians and singers. Forte provides mobile (at-home or on-site) sessions in Chittenden County (and nearby) and virtual sessions throughout the state. Abby's goal is to help musicians recover from injury and build movement patterns that assist in performance so musicians can just focus on having fun, learning new things, and connecting with their audience. You can find more about Abby on Forte's website, on Instagram @forteperformancept, and on her podcast "Play Life Loudly". Please reach out to Abby with any questions anytime.
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