Find a Theory Music Teacher

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Instructors shown below requested to have their info listed by Ellis Music. It is by no means a complete list of private music teachers. Your school's instrumental music teacher may be able to provide additional names. You may also choose to take lessons through a community music school, such as the one(s) listed near the bottom of the page.

Music Theory Teachers

(Listed alphabetically by last name)

Name Location Phone E-mail Website
Emma Back Burlington & Montpelier, Vt. 802-793-5586
Lorri Bond Londonderry, Vt. 802-772-5155  
Carla Boyle-Wight Bennington, Vt. 207-890-8783  
Scott Carter Burlington, Vt. 802-540-1231
Rob DeBruyn Middlebury, Vt.    
Hazel Dority Burlington, Vt. 802-370-4021  
Linda Duxbury Buermeyer (NCTM) Newbury, Vt. 802-439-6469  
Bruce Elliot Keene, N.H. 603-762-6566  
Timothy Fitzgerald Fairfax & Burlington, Vt. 802-999-4046  
Christopher Foster Middlebury, Vt. 607-661-5092
Emerson Gale Sharon, Vt. 802-291-4139
David Gusakov Bristol, Vt.    
John Halvey Burlington, Vt. 802-373-2703  
Linda Jezierski Weare, N.H. 603-206-0135  
Geoffrey Kim Winooski, Vt.  
Sarah King Ripton, Vt. (online only)  
Vincenza Lunde South Burlington, Vt. 802-558-8154  
David Nacmanie Burlington, Vt. 845-943-7402
Luke Rackers Montpelier, Vt. 802-595-4656    
Elizabeth Reid Northfield, Vt. 802-279-6082
Michaela Reynolds Hanover, N.H. 401-752-9033  
Melissa Richmond Claremont, N.H. 802-738-0022
Michael Sitton Barre, Vt. 802-839-8336
Pamela Taylor Newport, Vt. 610-515-9152
Christian Terry Lebanon, N.H. 802-376-9732  
Rebecca Towne Rutland, Vt.    
Larissa West Barre, Vt. 540-931-5894

Upper Valley Music Center