Find a Viola Music Teacher

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Instructors shown below requested to have their info listed by Ellis Music. It is by no means a complete list of private music teachers. Your school's instrumental music teacher may be able to provide additional names. You may also choose to take lessons through a community music school, such as the one(s) listed near the bottom of the page.

Viola Teachers

(Listed alphabetically by last name)

Name Location Phone E-mail Website
Sarah Berry Burlington, Vt. 719-663-8368  
Robert Blais Montpelier, Vt. 802-229-9214
Mel Epstein Center Barnstead, N.H. 603-848-7006  
David Gusakov Bristol, Vt.    
Linda Jezierski Weare, N.H. 603-206-0135  
Johanna Libbey Northfield, Vt. 802-760-8244
Peter Miller Weston, Vt. 802-342-0396  
Elizabeth Reid Northfield, Vt. 802-279-6082
Paul Reynolds Montpelier, Burlington & Middlebury, Vt. 802-522-0738  
Elizabeth Skinner Essex Jct., Vt. 802-598-4343  
Margaret Smith Essex Center, Vt. 802-878-9251  
Chris Stork Burlington & Montpelier, Vt. 802-522-2606  
Christine Strifler Bennington County, Vt. 802-430-7102
Fran Pepperman Taylor Colchester, Vt. 802-734-3484  
Sharon Waxman Williston & Colchester, Vt. 410-371-4825

Middlebury Community Music Center
Upper Valley Music Center